Institute of viral sonology / Viral sonology 02 / 2012

Institute of viral sonology / Viral sonology 02 / 2012
Institute of viral sonology / Viral sonology 02 / 2012
This album experiment start as a call from the director of the of Institute of viral sonology Hugo Paquete. This call consists in exploring the potentiality of the computer as an automatic machine to generate compositional material and aesthetics content base on stochastic probabilities.

60 seconds files
6 composers collaborators
6 minutes compositions
12 tracks

Connecting and collecting different sound material from different collaborators and without a previous selection construct a social and artistic possibility to generate aesthetic content base in the power of computer algorithmic to compose in a randomatic aesthetic.

Thanks to all the collaborators
Institute of viral sonology
Hugo Paquete

Participants in the call.

Pedro Bittencourt
Luis Antunes Pena
Milton Pacheco
Raul Laidley
Diogo Lopes
Jonny Fraga

The computer

Institute of viral sonology

Director and concept: Hugo Paquete

Year: 2012
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Licença Creative Commons
Hugo Paquete Institute of Viral Sonology by Viral Sonology_02 is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Proibição de realização de Obras Derivadas 3.0 Unported License.
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