Institute of viral sonology / Radio Manobras / 2012
Institute of viral sonology have the support from sonic proliferation and radio art experiments from Radio Manobras, Porto Portugal.
This experiments have the objective of hacking the Portuguese national radio station signal with experiments developed with the target of making new approaches in therms of the noise uses to generate a counter information and cognitive amplification that can project a more effective counter point with the media, communicative environments. When logics theories projected in the concepts of a global net society express the supra organizational society of information and informatics. Don't giving space for errors.
This project start as a question to taking errors, noises and glitch base sound to generate content, aesthetic or not. That can be understand as a bug in the system with the main target of generating reflexive, and content with the listener that in a abstract, way interact with this sources of counter communicative elements.
In the society of the mass order as functionality...
The noise elements put the listener in contact with a level of nonsenses anti communicability that is the main trigger as a cognitive experience to make a rupture with the logics of understanding, and in this way opening a more ontological understanding of reality as a source outside of mining.
In media society or in supra organizational societies in the globalweb the noise is the element to eliminate, a elements that is to be out of the system pragmatics. As it is in the communicational theories.
The noise in this project is taken as a fundamental element to manipulate in side of the system the opening to a more subjective or ontological exploration of the meaning of the system programmatic.
Institute of viral sonology. That is an under cover, under governmental, under political, under aesthetic agency for sonic proliferation and psychological affections and sonic terror.
Rádio Manobras
Project technical description:
Random hacking files in the radio play list.
Interactive elements to the listener.
Exploration of the frequencies of affections.
Developing of a radio program starting in January from the Institute of viral sonology that have as base the uses of a collaborative compositional call that give origins to computer algorithmic, randomatic ore stochastic generated music compositions that represent a computer vision and organisation of that sound material that was collected from the different collaborators.
The computer as a author of all the compositions that will be presented.
Other tactics
Hugo Paquete
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